Sunday, May 15, 2011

A lot of Sadness

The past several months have been an emotional rollercoaster. While there has been laughter and fun, there has also been sadness and bad news.  Several illnesses and deaths for friends, neighbours and family have occurred, some unexpected and others lacking the element of surprise. A good friend of mine is coping with a painful separation. The end of "happy ever after" is never easy to acknowledge let alone deal with.

I have attended more funerals and celebrations of life in the past six months than in the previous six years. Maybe because I am more willing to try and offer support and help or more likely it is because there have been more deaths that have touched me. One of the grim reminders that I am getting older perhaps.

To many the death of a pet may seem insignificant, but to us it was a spirit retching experience. And I don't for a moment suggest that our loss compares to the loss of a loved mate or companion, it is nevertheless sadness that lingers and ingrates itself into our daily lives.

 My hope for the balance of 2011 and for 2012 is health and HAPPINESS  for everyone reading this blog. I wish you the easing of pain, the brightness of a new and sun filled day and the peace that comes from contentment.  I also wish for the joy of anticipation, that excitement that comes from the imagining and the planning and then the pleasure of achieving.