Friday, September 25, 2009

A Success

Last evening six local Chambers of Commerce hosted a Gala Dinner where Business Excellence Awards were presented in six categories. As the chair of the organizing committee I have spent the day analyzing the good and the not so good about the evening. After the hours of hard work by the committee it is almost a letdown to find myself in the day after. But the biggest emotion is relief. Yes the event went well, inspite of a last minute replacement of the guest speaker and shuffling and juggling the seating arrangements trying to keep everyone happy. And we proved once again that you can never please everyone.

Already we are planning how to make next year's event bigger and of course better.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


The time is slipping past...more like hurling past like a truck going 150 miles per hour. So much to do, so little time. I am normally a very organized person, time management is a strong skill of mine. BUT for some reason I have overcommitted and I am slowing down, it now takes longer to do the routine stuff and I haven't been making provisions for that.

We did have another fabulous weekend. Another car show and a chance to have a tasty (and healthy) lunch at the cafe at the Sherbrooke Village Museum. Home made soup and 1/2 of a chicken sandwich on whole wheat bread. Yum. But we were there between showers so my legs and hips were aching and I couldn't spend as much time walking around as I would have liked.

New plan. Walk for 10 to 15 minutes three times a week. One other member of my TOPS group also has difficulty keeping up with the avid walkers. There are some in my group that walk 5 kms a day two or three times a week. I just can't do that and I don't want to even try to keep up with any of them. They go too fast and I need to start at my own pace. Joan and I (and maybe Maralyn) will meet Friday afternoon for a 15 minute walk. A good start! Who knows where and how far we will be able to work up to.

I did have a 1.5 lb gain this morning at weigh in. Not really a surprise, I missed last weeks meeting and we have been eating in restaurants the last two weekends. And some of my choices weren't very good ones. But today is a new day and I will do better this week. My goal is to lose the 1.5 lbs and another pound as well...a total of 2.5 lbs this week.

Another visit to a chapter. Another great group of people. I get encouragement from each of the group meetings I attend. Everyone has one thing in common...they want to be healthier and to lose weight.

Plans are starting for the IRD in Halifax next summer. It is going to be great! Exciting and the place to be in mid July 2010.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Another week, another visit

I got to visit another TOPS chapter this week. What a great group. They are looking forward to getting back into a healthier life style...the summer and vacation times have been tough. Aren't we all looking forward to routines and schedules. Summer is great but unplanned and irregular.

I have been working extra hours at the day job...special events and things that demand my attention. And of course that puts added pressures on an already tight schedule. Too many things, not enough time.

I am looking forward to more fun things this weekend. A TOPS meeting on Saturday and maybe another car show on Sunday.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

And The Winner Is ...

Me! I think I have sorted out my new computer. It now is acting like a productivity tool not an opinionated hunk of technology, meaning I am finally getting to understand and learn what does what. Not an easy task for someone who hasn't bought a new computer in the last decade.

I went to my TOPS meeting this morning and stayed the same which is sometimes a good thing although I do need to start losing the weight. Summers are tough for me but now that cooler weather is here I have no excuse except lack of motivation and I think I am least I will work on that.

I had the opportunity to visit another of the TOPS chapters that I work with on Monday night. What a great bunch of people. They were so friendly and welcoming. I really love having the chance to get to chapter meetings and to meet all the terrific members of TOPS. I am now working with 20 chapters from New Ross/Gold River chapters to Baccaro in Shelburne County. Wide area geographically but all great groups. I am working on getting visits scheduled to the chapters that I haven't visited yet. In September or October.