Saturday, February 5, 2011

Pain Can Make You Grumpy

I have had arthritis pain, constant and deep in my joints, for so long I had forgotten about the lighter things in life. That fact was brought home to me yesterday, when a work acquaintance told me that my outlook seemed to have changed, I was upbeat and energized, contributing positive comments to discussions.  And it hit me...I had seriously let the pain in my joints make me into a pain, negative and doom and gloom.  The acquaintance contributed the change in me to some changes in my work environment, but I know that isn't it, the change is because I am not using all my positive energies to cope with throbs and aches.  Well, not as many of them anyway. My knee still aches and throbs at times, but I can usually walk without it constantly paining which I haven't been able to do for years with my aching hip. 

I think I knew this on some level but it is never easy to admit that you may not be able to handle everything in life well, especially for an old control freak like me.

So I have once again realized that no matter how miserable I feel, it isn't my right to take that out on everyone in the surrounding area. They deserve my respect and my best and if I can't give that, they deserve my absence until I can.

Let's see how long this will last.

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