Past the mid point in March, almost a quarter of our new year is gone. And I am not sure what I have to show for the time. Certainly I have not accomplished as much as I had hoped to. Maybe my expectations are too high or maybe I am letting valuable time and effort get chewed up with non productive things.
I have a six month check next week for the hip replacement surgery that I had in late September. Doesn't seem like six months. While I am still working on strengthening muscles in my legs, I have no pain in the hip joint and I am looking forward to a summer full of movement without pain. My knee is another story, waiting for the call to have that operation.
Snow is almost gone, of course it is early yet and we could get more...but as my mother always said "It can't last when it comes in March or April" I would like to give her the benefit of the doubt.
The air smells like spring, although I am still looking for the first robin. Soon.