Friday, November 6, 2009

Stupidity Virus

There are times when I fear that stupidity is a disease and that it is to be more feared than H1N1. Maybe this is National stupidity week and I missed the announcement.

A friend of mine has been threatened with a law suit because a director of her husband's former employer has taken exception to some things she has written...but the money still hasn't paid. It would appear to me the solution would be to pay the wages and the whole thing would go away.

A support group leader is considering whether I can attend a meeting so I can better understand what they do and what they can offer. This is part of my current quest to find out anything and everything I can about support for dementia patients and their families.

I have had several conversations this week about supporting local businesses and buying local. First of all, there seems to be several definitions of local. Sometimes people refer to Nova Scotia as local, sometimes Atlantic Canada and sometimes Bridgewater. If I buy a product that is produced in China from a local retailer, is that buying local. True it supports local jobs and whoever owns the building the store is in, but is that preferable to buying from a national chain that offers locally grown produce for example. This is a situation that no matter what is chosen there will be someone to point out the error.

There are several other examples of the stupidity virus that I have encountered this week, but time for my ranting has expired...more to follow

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